The first step in your care process is to understand the nature of your disease so that we can diagnose your condition.
Cardiac Electrophysiology, is the study of the electrical activities of the heart, specifically for the purposes of diag...
When our patients present with problems that may be cardiovascular in nature, we help determine the most likely diagnosi...
We help our patients improve blood flow in their arteries and veins by using very small tubes and specialized tools to d...
When the heart is functioning normally, the arteries are clear and open to allow for easy passage of blood through and o...
The highly trained surgeons and specialists at Biltmore diagnose and treat structural heart disease. We understand the n...
Physical Fitness Lowers Heart Disease Risk
Exercise is one of the very best things you can do to keep your heart strong. When you sense that the day is getting away from you without your planned workout, here are four exercises you can do almost anywhere and squeeze in as time allows:
- Squat – Squats work your quads, hamstrings and abdominals and can increase your heart rate. To do it correctly:
- Stand with feet hip distance apart
- Keep weight in the heels and torso upright
- Sit back until knees and rear end are parallel to the floor
- Stand and repeat
- Wall sit – Hang out for 30 or 60 seconds and do your core a favor. Add bicep curls for extra points.
- Slide your back down the wall until thighs are parallel to the ground
- Make sure that knees are directly above ankles and keep back straight
- One foot balance – Practice standing on one foot and then the other. As you get stronger, add variations, such as creating a figure four with your leg (place ankle on opposite knee).
- Standing quad stretch – If you’ve been sitting down for a while, a quad stretch can help alleviate lower back pain.
- Stand with feet hip distance apart
- Bend one knee, lifting your foot behind you and grab the foot with the same side hand
- Hold on to a wall or stable furniture with other hand as needed
- Press your foot into your hand
- Release and repeat on other side
If it’s been awhile since you exercised regularly, talk with your doctor first to see what he or she recommends.